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Instrument Disinfectants

Instrument Disinfectants

Disinfectants are agents that destroy pathogens by chemical means. Disinfection processes do not ensure the same margin of safety associated with sterilization processes and can vary in their extent of microorganism elimination.  The routine disinfection of medical devices and equipments are done with High level disinfectants. High-Level Disinfection is a process utilizing a disinfectant under less than sterilizing conditions. The process kills all forms of microbial life except for large numbers of bacterial spores. They come both in the liquid form requiring dilution with water and in ready to use spray form. Our wide range of Instrument disinfectants are covered under the following categories.

  • High level Instrument Disinfectant
  • Instant Disinfectants.
  • High level Instrument Disinfectant 

The routine disinfection of medical devices and equipments that comes into contact  with intact mucous membrane and intact skin are done with High level disinfectants. High-Level Disinfection is a process utilizing a disinfectant under less than sterilizing conditions. The process kills all  forms all vegetative microorganisms,  lipid and nonlipid viruses, fungal spores, some bacterial spores  and mycobacteria . We at Zenith have developed High level  instrument disinfectants  which perform  disinfection with great perfection.

  Glutraquat Plus ( High Level Instrument Disinfectant )

Glutraquat Plus is a high level disinfectant for heat sensitive and heat resistant instruments. It  is compatible with wide range of material namely glass, ceramic, stainless steel, non ferrous metals, aluminium, plastics, , silicone rubber, hard rubber, markolon, latex and porcelain.

  Dismoster Plus ( High Level Instrument Disinfectant )

Dismoster plus is a high level instrument and surface disinfectant with nano technology that carries the active ingredients through the cell wall for rapid complete cell death of Bacteria, Virus, Fungi, Spores and Protozoa. Dismoster Plus has broad spectrum antimicrobial activity. It is safe  to use and economical.